viTa doLce Of mE

I am not a word. I am not a line. I am not a girl that can ever be defined. Don't u worry ur pretty little mind, ppl throw rocks at things that shine

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This Blog BELONG TO Qiena Abd Halim ...i just want u to know that this is My Space,My Place,My bLog,so i have right to write anything that i want,when i want that relate to my life.I'm have no intention to embarrass anyone as i do not mention ur real's if you feel annoyed or don't like what i'm already posting,u can get outta here.another reminder to all reader,i'm admit that i used harsh words to express my feeling because this is me. if you hate it, just close my page and dont read it ..

yAhoO mEsSenGeR

My Visitor

Thursday, October 27, 2011

S.I.N.G.L.E (with pringles)

by Qiena Abd Halim

Being single is the best way to live until it's time to settle down. It is a sad sad thing to see a young person caught up in a dead end relationship. It is just holding them back from finding the real "the one". That's why I enjoy being single so much, I can be myself, without worrying about others

You get to be selfish and only have to decide what YOU want to do about certain things - not WE.

I don't have to pretend to like the asinine things he does, or get into a fight if I disagree about something he likes and I don't.

I don't have to feel guilty over noticing hot guys - even if they are celebrities in which case there is NOTHING for him to be concerned about. Setting my phone background to Ryan Gosling now.

I can go out with my friends without him blowing up my phone and throwing a hissy-fit. I don't have to listen to him complain about how his ONE job is so stressful when I have 3 jobs and go to school full time. Basically, I can lose the big fat baby and find a real man.

You can have male friends without having to defend yourself and explain that nothing else is going on.

3 words. More Alone Time.

You don't have to go through a breakup and experience the 5 stages of grief.

3 words. A Fatter Wallet. 

No ridiculous wish lists for Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays, or anniversaries. And you don't have to worry about buying anything in double quantities.

No disgustingly lame pet names that make you want to vomit at the sound of them.

0 Sweet Potato:

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